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- That's out there now, bro. - It happened. - Why'd you do that? - You can't take that back. You know what? I threw down the gauntlet. So get ready for a fight. I'm gonna go drop Percy off and come back and cook the menu we should've cooked last time. - So where are we going today? - I gotta drop you off, kid. I gotta go shopping for tonight. I'm sorry. - Can I come with you? - No, I'm sorry. How come I'm, like, never allowed to be in the kitchen? Because it's hot and it's loud and there's a lot of bad language. So? I hear bad language all the time. - Where? - Online. What kind of website could a 10-year-old get on that has bad language? - YouTube. - YouTube has bad language? Could I at least come shopping with you? No. I got a lot to do and a lot on my mind.


- You gotta be kidding me. - Wow. You realise how many people have read this? I'm up to 2,000 followers since last night. - You're trending, bro. - They're sending me messages. They're goading me into responding to this prick. - Don't do it. Don't do it, man. - Don't do that, Chef. - Don't respond. Take the high road. - I know. But half the people are saying he's right. Yeah, but half the people are saying he's wrong. - That's the fucking internet. - That's right. Listen to him. - That's social media. You on Twitter? - Yeah, I'm Twitter. - What's your name? - Little Marty. But all the people following me, I don't wanna hang out during the day. I avoid all... Oh, hey, hey, hey, what are you doing? - This guy. - Don't. What are you writing? Chef, don't... That's not a good idea. Just listen. I won't send it until we all say it's OK. "Why don't you come by again tonight? "I got a whole new menu just for you, asshole." - No, gimme the phone. - That's not good. Not a good idea. Don't do it!


He wrote that to me? He wrote it to everybody.


"@ChefCarlCasper... "I would rather have you sit on my face "after a brisk walk on a warm day "than suffer through that fucking lava cake again."


- I don't think I should read it. - Just... Can you read it to me, please? Read the reply.


What did he say?


Yes? How can I help you? Isn't this, um... Wasn't this on the menu last time I... I... I visited? I believe it was. I was under the impression that tonight was gonna somehow be... be different, more of an event. I understand. Is there something we can do to make you more comfortable? Um... could I actually... Could I speak with the chef? With Chef Casper? I have a wonderful '09 that I just opened to let breathe. - Um... - If I may? The last time I was in Napa, at the vineyard, they shipped me this bottle as a gift, and I've just been waiting for the right occasion. That... that's very generous of you. Is Chef Casper here? Unfortunately, he was called away.


Good luck. - Oh, no way. - Good luck, Jack. - No way, man! - Martin, Martin. - No. Hell, no. Come on. - You stay. Stay. Martin, come on. Let me go, buddy. Don't do it. Don't do it. Just stay. - Call me. Call me. - You'd better believe it, yeah.


Come here. I miss you. Give me a kiss. - Hi. - Hi. So my publicist said that she can talk to you. - Why don't you talk to her? - About what? - About Twitter? - Everybody's reading what you wrote. - I don't think you get it. - Get what? Let's call her. Go inside with me and we'll call her.


Oh, dude. Oh, you're everywhere. - You saw it? - Ohh! - It's bad. How bad is it? - You saw it? You saw it? - I saw it. It's everywhere. - It's terrible. - Is it bad? - You're never gonna work again. I am, though. No, seriously, there are people... there are people who are calling me. - Dude. Oh, great. I'm glad to hear that. - Yes. Yes. I knew you would have something bigger than this. - You don't care about coming back here. - Yeah. So you came back to tell me you got me a gig? 'Cause I'll leave Gauloises like that, baby. No. Trust me, the first phone call as soon as something becomes real. - Don't leave me behind again. - I will not. - Don't ever do that again. - Don't hit me. - This guy. - Please don't hit me. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I was on the spot, bro. I had been drinking that day. I... I... I didn't know what to do. - I'm a pussy, basically. I'm sorry. - It's OK. It's over. - I vouch for that. - It's fine. What are you gonna do? - It's a big opport... - But then they put you on YouTube. And I felt so responsible for that shit. - That shit was funny, by the way. - What was funny about it? - It's not funny for me. - Just that everybody I know saw it. - I know, I know. - I kinda felt famous by knowing you. Is it a little bit funny? Like... Like, is it... they're laughing at me or with me? A little bit of both. They're laughing with you and at you at the same time. - It's so embarrassing. - Oh, it is terrible. It is so bad. But it's funny too at the same time. It makes you kind of likeable in a weird way. Yeah. That guy deserved it. Everybody knows that guy deserved it. - But, seriously, I'm sorry. - It's alright. You know, I'm gonna land on my feet. - Oh, you will. - Yeah, good. I know. - I'll get my next gig. - I'll be there with you. - Everything will be fine. - I'm your sous-chef now and forever. You're not my sous-chef anymore. You are chef de cuisine. - But I wouldn't even be there... - It doesn't matter. Riva's right about one thing. You are ready to run your own kitchen. So don't blow it. It's a big opportunity for you. - To Tony's big new opportunity. - To Tony's big opportunity. - To chef de cuisine. - I don't like how it happened. - But I'm happy it happened. OK? - Two words, man. You guys. I love you fucking guys.


So you're threatening to fire me now? Am I threatening to fire you? No, I'm telling you what I'm prepared to do if you don't cook my menu. Subject closed. Well, why don't you cook the menu without a chef and we see how it goes tonight? Let's go, Tony. Fuck this.


Oh, jefecito. What's up, man? Look, everybody. Jefe's here. Come on, give me some drinks. Something premium. Ketel One for the man.


You don't belong here anymore. You know it. Come on. What's th... Who's this girl? - Carl. - What?


Come here.


I don't know what I'm gonna do.


You're never gonna be happy here.


I'm not dad material right now, if you hadn't noticed. I'm embarrassing. He sees all this shit on the computer. - Well... - His friends have... Maybe it's important for you to talk to him about it, then. - I just... - He needs you, Carl. I'm... I don't know him, OK? He's at a weird age. Why don't you take this time to get to know him?


- Be real with me. - I am. You've been ignoring a lot of things in your life that need your attention, like Percy.
