Found 1360 results
Margaux '58. A comet vintage.
Sherlock Holmes
Just a figure of speech, old boy.
Sherlock Holmes
Not us. You.
Sherlock Holmes
Well done. That should lead us to Blackwood, dead or alive.
Sherlock Holmes
You don't know where my rugby ball went, do you? No, not a clue. Queenshithe Slaughterhouse. Nine Elms. A factory by the river.
Sherlock Holmes
- Look familiar? - Yep. All that's missing is a ginger midget.
Sherlock Holmes
Come on, come on.
Sherlock Holmes
I better take over, there. Bit tricky down here.
Sherlock Holmes
More coal, doctor.
Sherlock Holmes
He's left it there on purpose.
Sherlock Holmes
Woolwich Arsenal. Limehouse Chemical Works. I'll probably be a factory by the river.
Sherlock Holmes
Well, Blackwood's had his hand in just about everything that's corrosive to the spirit.
Sherlock Holmes
They cleared something away from here not minutes ago. Like what?
Sherlock Holmes
Not sure. Something mechanical. Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes
She followed you here, Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes
Never mind.
Sherlock Holmes
What's that?
Sherlock Holmes