Jerking myself to totally off. - I'm sorry? - Let me show you. - No. - She taught me. Oh, she taught you, did she? - No... - Well, thank you very much. The contract is canceled. - That's it! - No. No, I'm going to Green World. It's over. - No, Mr. Ogden. - Remember, I have to pay that... - Please, no, no. - Self juicing. Filth! Oh, my God...
The Dictator
We will see about that. But from now on, it is my way or the highwahahtmaa- fferrohshelechnichway.
The Dictator
There has been a regime change! Yo! You are stocking the shelves.
The Dictator
Yes. I'm sorry, you were doing what?
The Dictator
We must get that contract back.
The Dictator
Doing the jerk off.
The Dictator
All night?
The Dictator
The Dictator
He was my negger. Nigger. Nagger? - No, no, no. - What is that? - Negar. Nigger? Nagur? - No, no. Please stop. Please. I told you, before we came in. One word, do not say. Is the exact word you're using now. - No, I said Nuga... - One dozen times. Please relate to him that there could be two funerals today. I... Believe me when I tell you, we are here only to pay our respects to a great man.
The Dictator
Okay, Eldridge's casket is laying in the chapel right now.
The Dictator
We're gonna have the viewing in a few minutes.
The Dictator
No, that's not the way to put it. - Whoa, whoa! - No?
The Dictator
I was downstairs self juicing.
The Dictator
How do I put this?
The Dictator
He was my nigger.
The Dictator
Well, that is a particular weakness of yours. Need I remind you of the Menudo incident? Those boys had their eyes open. They knew exactly what they were doing. We made them have their eyes open. You made me hold one of their eyes open, so they'd see what you were doing to them.