You should spend a day at the beach. Get some sun. Uh, right, so... Marketing thought we could offset some of the costs by... Enough about cost. John Hammond entrusted me with his dying wish, and not once did he mention profits. "Spare no expense," he used to say. I appreciate that, but the reality of operating a theme park requires... Don't forget why we built this place, Claire. Jurassic World exists to remind us how very small we are. How new. You can't put a price on that. Now, please, we're flying.
Jurassic World
The base genome is a T. rex. The rest is classified. You made a new dinosaur, but you don't even know what it is? The lab delivers us finished assets, and we show them to the public. Can we drop a steer, please? How long has the animal been in here?
Jurassic World
Oh, God. She has an implant in her back. I can track it from the control room.
Jurassic World
Hold On tight. We're gonna give you an even closer look at our Mosasaurus.
Jurassic World
Wanna see something else cool? Yeah!
Jurassic World
Were those claw marks always there?
Jurassic World
So what's this thing made of?
Jurassic World
It had 88 teeth!
Jurassic World
Yeah. See, nothing is gonna get you while I'm around, okay?
Jurassic World
You made a battle axe out of a ruler and a paper plate.
Jurassic World
I protected you, right?
Jurassic World
Do you remember that ghost at the old house? Remember, the one in the garage?