I am Groot. Save them? How? I am Groot. I know they're the only friends that we ever had, but there's an army of Ravagers around them. And there's only two of us!
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Stone is in the furthest pod.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy
Get back into your pod! You can't fit two people in there. You're gonna die.
Guardians of the Galaxy
I, for one, am not gonna stand by and watch as Ronan wipes out billions of innocent lives.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Peter Jason Quill, from Terra. Raised from youth by a band of mercenaries called the Ravagers, led by Yondu Udonta. I'm sorry. I didn't know how this machine worked. What a bunch of a-holes. Transport all four to the Kyln.
Guardians of the Galaxy
I was mistaken. I do remember your family. Their screams were pitiful. I...
Guardians of the Galaxy
Damn it.
Guardians of the Galaxy
- No. - At last!
Guardians of the Galaxy
This guy just backed out of a deal on me. If there's one thing I hate, it's a man without integrity. Peter Quill. People call me Star-Lord.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Don't do his work for him.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Because I'm guessing it's some kind of weapon. I don't know what it is. If it's a weapon, we should use it against Ronan. Put it down, you fool. You'll destroy us all. Or just you, murderess! I let you live once, princess! - I am not a princess! - Hey! Nobody is killing anybody on my ship!
Guardians of the Galaxy
If you will follow Denarian Dey, - he has something to show you. - Thank you, Nova Prime.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Put him in the bag. Put him in the bag! No! Not her, him! Learn genders, man.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Hey. Put that away. Hey! Listen to me, you big blue bastard. Take those headphones off. That's mine. Those belong to impound. That tape and that player is mine!