You Xandarians and your culture are a disease. You will never rule Xandar. No. I will cure it!
Guardians of the Galaxy
Listen to these words. Now bring it down hard! What are you doing? Dance-off, bro. Me and you. Gamora. Subtle. Take it back. What are you doing? I'm distracting you, you big turd blossom.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Head to the flight deck. I'll shut down the power to the security doors.
Quit smiling, you idiot. You're supposed to be a professional.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Love, Mom.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Stop. Listen to me! You are a god. If you kill me... you'll be just like everybody else. What's so wrong with that? No!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Yondu! No! No!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Oh! Aww...
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
No! No!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Seriously? You gotta clean up your room. It's a complete mess. I am Groot. I am not boring. You're boring. You know what's boring? Sitting there, playing that mind-numbing game. What's boring is me tripping over your vines every day! I'm not boring! I am Groot. And now I know how Yondu felt.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
He didn't chase them away. No. Even though he yelled at them. And was always mean. And he stole batteries he didn't need. Well, of course not.