- [Valkyrae] What rank are you? - Um-- Uh, Ascendant 3. Damn. Really? That's better than him. - [stammers] That's incredible. - [laughs] - Oh, my. - How long you been playing for? Um, I mean, since the game came out. It's cool your brother's Kyllboi. [scoffs] Is it? Yeah. He's the real deal.
The Family Plan
Um, so, is this your... [scoffs] No. Oh, God. No. No, no, no. - I found him. Just over there. - Over there? - Yeah. [laughs] - Just hanging out? - It's time for the finals. - [crowd cheering, clapping] Team Valkyrae and Team iiTzTimmy onto the stage!
The Family Plan
Are you up for it? [laughs] The-- The finals? Yeah, this is one of those moments, man. Are you in or out?