Zemeckis Cube. Turns everything back in time 60 seconds.
Ready Player One
If they dump you, I'll consider it. I might say something off the record.
Ready Player One
(ROARS) (ALARM BEEPING) What is that? SHO: He's only got 30 seconds before changing back!
Ready Player One
Search "Karen Underwood Morrow." Kira, I told you, like the character in The Dark Crystal. That's her gamer tag. WADE: Halliday purposely removed every mention of her except for this one. That's weird. Why? It's like, it was just so painful for him to have to see her face or hear her name. Well, he loved her. He couldn't tell that to Morrow. Oh, that's sad. He should have told her how he felt. Yeah, well, he missed his chance. Look. I found the clue to the race in the other scene, but... I've always felt that the biggest clue to the contest was hidden here. You're right.
Ready Player One
For the record, um... I'm not disappointed. You said I... I would be disappointed when I met you, but... I'm not. I've lived with it my whole life. You don't have to pretend.
Ready Player One
My real name is Samantha, but yeah, I'm Art3mis.
Ready Player One
TOSHIRO: Start with access code.
Ready Player One
Those are explosives! (GROANING) IOI will not reimburse any lost coin if you zero out. Keep it moving!
Ready Player One
But this is my world, Sorrento.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Sho? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm 11, so what? His real name is Xo. But everyone else calls me Sho, no big deal. No. It is a big deal. Sho, you're the world's most badass 11-year-old ever. He knows. Shut up! Let him tell me. Aech!
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
It is a lot of money. I could really use it.
Ready Player One
Oh, uh, hi, naked lady. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt, uh, your bath time. Uh, I know self-care can be important. Uh, but can you do me a favor and tell me, where are all the exits?
Ready Player One
The Sixers are in the final challenge. It's an Atari 2600. Are you in the Sixer war room? No, no, no. You gotta get out of there. They're playing Adventure. Adventure, of course! Created by Warren Robinett! He was the first designer to ever hide an Easter egg in-- Dude!