So what is this challenge, some sort of video game thing? An Atari 2600, sir. And every game ever made for it, thousands of possibilities.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Sho? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm 11, so what? His real name is Xo. But everyone else calls me Sho, no big deal. No. It is a big deal. Sho, you're the world's most badass 11-year-old ever. He knows. Shut up! Let him tell me. Aech!
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Kind of everything.
Ready Player One
Pod 41-F, you are on 10-minute break. Proceed to break area.
Ready Player One
(GRUNTS) Okay, inside the panel, there's a lever. Grab it with your right hand and slide it to the left. That should release you. (GRUNTS)
Ready Player One
Security, please report to section 97 for escort.
Ready Player One
All right, so I'm looking at a diagram of your rig.
Ready Player One
F'Nale, they've hacked my rig. They're after the girl. Meet me at loyalty. (INDISTINCT CHATTERING)
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
-WADE: Arty. -Z? Z? Z? Arty, don't say anything. I'm tapped directly into your audio feed.
Ready Player One
Wade, are you still there? Yeah, I'm here. Where are you? Where is Sorrento's office? It's in the IOI war room, two levels above where you are now. But that's not the way out. What's his password?
Ready Player One
How did IOI find the third challenge so fast? IOI cracked the first three lines of the clue, so they knew it was sector 14 but they couldn't figure out "the fortress tragic." So they sent every guide they had into that sector until they found the right fortress.
Ready Player One
AUTOMATED VOICE: Pod 41-F, you have exceeded your break time. Report to security or your coin count will be reset to zero.
Ready Player One
So, she just walks out of here, how does that happen? They're smart. They knew what they were doing. But we know they're in Columbus. And now, all five of them are together. Wait. Wait, we know what? How do we know? We have the make and model of the van. We'll spot them. "We'll spot them"? That sounds like a great inscription for our tombstones. Why didn't you tell me this earlier? It wasn't relevant yet. I need to know where they are. We need to know. We need to find them! They're kids, Nolan. Man the hell up! Do your job, and I'll do mine, unless you wanna take this and go after them yourself.