I'm a businessman. I get it. But I gotta do my job. (SOFTLY) But I didn't ask you here just to help us find the egg, Parzival. I asked you here for what comes after.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
So, I've been thinking. Maybe it'd be cool if we met up in the real world. No, you'd be disappointed. No, I wouldn't. I like you. You don't even know me. This isn't what I really look like. This isn't my real body, or my real face. I don't care. I wanna know your real name. Stayin' alive, stayin' alive Ah, ha, ha, ha (ART3MIS LAUGHING) ♪ Stayin' alive ♪
Ready Player One
Sit in! WADE: We call 'em "Sixers" 'cause that's the company rule. No name, just numbers. They have a support team made up of Halliday scholars. Like me, they spend all their time studying pop culture that Halliday was obsessed with, trying to find clues to solve the contest.
Ready Player One
Sorry about the blindfold. My guys are a little paranoid.
Ready Player One
(CONTINUES RINGING) This bootsuit's pretty awesome. Thanks for that. Rick! Rick, the place is gonna blow! Rick, is that Wade? -Put Alice on! -Let me talk to him. Don't call here anymore, you got me? (PANTING) I don't wanna hear your voice ever again.
Ready Player One
They want your signature, Wade.
Ready Player One
Hey! Newbie, get to work.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
But people jump off it all night long. But none of those people had the Copper Key, so when we jump off, maybe it's different. Right? WADRight.
Ready Player One
All your money. (SHOUTS IN OTHER LANGUAGE) Your clothes. (SCREAMS) Your weapons. Since people spend most of their time in the OASIS... (SHOUTING IN JAPANESE) ...losing your shit means... Well, losing your shit. (1980s POP MUSIC PLAYING) Aech, 10 minutes until the race starts. AECOkay, Mom, I heard you. WADE: You see, the OASIS was the brainchild of James Halliday. He and his partner, Ogden Morrow, released the first OASIS build in 2025. It was an instant success, and it made them both very rich. But Morrow was out of the picture after a few years. And Halliday? He wasn't just the owner of the world's biggest company. He was like a god. People loved him. They worshiped him as much as his creation. Maybe we should stop talking about it and start, uh, showing it. If you all wanna reach under your seats, you'll find that there's nothing there. (CHUCKLES) -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -But we're gonna... we're each gonna bring you one now. WADE: And then, on January 7, 2040... (MUSIC DISTORTS)
Ready Player One
It's so much slower here.
Ready Player One
Now, that... That was when I realized that, as terrifying and painful as reality can be, it's also the only place that you can get a decent meal. Because reality is real. You understand what I'm saying?