Everyone watching, if you're in the Columbus stacks, this is Parzival. My real-world name is Wade Watts, and we're gonna need your help. Aech, head for the stacks! Okay, hold on! (TIRES SCREECHING)
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
WADE: Arty, we've got this. You need to log out. If the game is Adventure, why haven't they won yet? I don't know. Arty, Arty. I'm serious, Sorrento's crazy. He'll kill you.
Ready Player One
Get it together, Sixer. Back to respawn. Let's go, move. You're in.
Ready Player One
Clark Kent glasses. They hide your identity without changing your look.
Ready Player One
So you lost a death match. Why don't you just respawn and level up like everyone else? You don't get it. I bought all these power-ups for this challenge, and I lost it all. That artifact was gonna pay for the house! AUNT ALICE: Wait. How much of our house money did you spend on upgrades? Well, all of it, but I was gonna win. (SIGHS) That was our ticket out of here.
Ready Player One
Hey, Arty.
Ready Player One
F'Nale, listen to me very carefully. (NOLAN GROANS)
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Z, I have something to tell you. Not now. I have something to show you that'll get you out of there. The Sixers found the third challenge. It's on Planet Doom. And there's more, they just put a force field around Anorak's Castle.
Ready Player One
This is the moment that Halliday made Morrow sign over his shares in Gregarious. That was the biggest mistake of his life. He knew that.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
My, Parzival, you did come prepared.
Ready Player One
Samantha Evelyn Cook. IOI has purchased and consolidated all of your outstanding debt, currently in excess of 23,000 credits. You will be remanded to the nearest IOI loyalty center until your debt is paid in full, including any interest, processing, or late fees you incur henceforth. MAN 1: Does anybody have eyes? MAN 2: Check down the next street!