No, wait. Roy, wait, wait. Wait. That was a mistake.
Palm Springs
‐ What?
Palm Springs
You get one more sentence. ‐ Okay. Okay. Even though I pretend not to be, I've realized that I'm completely co‐dependent, but I'm cool with it because I think that life should be shared now, and I need you to survive. ‐ Okay.
Palm Springs
‐ Not today, sauce pot. That's a nice try, though.
Palm Springs
‐ I'm not gonna sleep with you. ‐ I mean, you asked me about mine, I was just being courteous. ‐ I mean, I might have the other night, you know, I would have but‐‐ Not now, though. ‐ Yeah! I was thinking the exact same thing, you know. We'll be seeing each other all the time, let's keep it simple. Don't over‐complicate it. ‐ Yeah.
Palm Springs
I am not a fan of this magical desert.
Palm Springs
‐ Dude, what the fuck are you doing? ‐ Oh, come on, relax. I just, uh, I just clipped him. ‐ You did not just clip him. ‐ He's a fucking sadist. I‐‐ I was just saving you! You should be thanking me. He was gonna kill you. ‐ Okay, well, no, thank you. ‐ Freeze! Put your hands above your head! ‐ Suck my dick, Officer Bitch. ‐ Seriously, man, just leave us alone. ‐ Are you gonna fucking Tase me, fuck face? Ooh? Ooh! Oh yeah, go ahead and Tase me. Come on, just do it.
Palm Springs
Thank you. Deal with him. ‐ Yeah. ‐ That could be your way out.
Palm Springs
‐ Okay.
Palm Springs
Are you done?
Palm Springs
That's your one sentence. ‐ I need you to survive, comma, but it's so much more than that... uh, colon. I know you better than anyone knows you. And remember that night we saw the dinosaurs, you said it yourself, in order to really know a person you have to see the entire package, the good and the bad, and I've seen your package, and it is excellent, Sarah.
Palm Springs
Look, I love you, okay. How about that?
Palm Springs
That's interesting.
Palm Springs
‐ I love her.
Palm Springs
He's trying to kill me!
Palm Springs
Does anyone else here wear Orchid Explosion by Fournier? ‐ Oh my God.
Palm Springs
Abe's dad's cousin, of the Schlieffen clan.
Palm Springs
‐ How's it going? Is it good? ‐ Yeah, looks really good. ‐ And are the balls smooth and hairless, like I asked for? ‐ Yeah. ‐ And are you getting the jizz right? ‐ Dotted lines. Straight across.