‐ Well, if it makes you feel any better, my whole family is embarrassed by me. They all see me as a, as a liability who fucks around and drinks too much. ‐ Why would they think that? ‐ Because I fuck around and drink too much. ‐ Mmm.
Palm Springs
‐ And, uh, what would Misty think about us running off together?
Palm Springs
‐ You're Misty's boyfriend?
Palm Springs
‐ Who are you?
Palm Springs
‐ You sure he didn't take anything? ‐ Kid's just moping there.
Palm Springs
And then they, uh, try to take care of me, and it is absolutely suffocating. ‐ Yeah, I've never been big on unsolicited help. ‐ Exactly, I can fend for myself. ‐ Of course you can. You don't need a leg up‐‐ Hold my legs up.
Palm Springs
Should always go with that first instinct, shit bird.
Palm Springs
So, we're going to perform a number that I sung to Howard on our wedding night. It's a song that I want you two to remember when you fall into hard times.
Palm Springs
What the fuck.
Palm Springs
Once you go in, the whole day just resets to wherever you woke up this morning.
Palm Springs
‐ Well, at least you have each other. Nothing worse than going through this shit alone.
Palm Springs
My wife in the prime of her womanhood.
Palm Springs
And I am asking you if you want to leave this place and come with me. ‐ And I'm saying no.
Palm Springs
This was always a good day here.
Palm Springs
‐ You took her to the cave, didn't you? Did you learn nothing from all this? ‐ She followed me in.
Palm Springs
Hey, who was that loony bitch that blindsided me with the cop car, anyway? ‐ Don't call her that.