So, we would like to move forward and put this entire incident in our rearview mirror, if you will.
Logan Lucky
I do have one last question.
Logan Lucky
Yeah. I'm gonna pick you up right after work.
Logan Lucky
His opening act was this husband and wife duo, named Bill Danoff and Taffy Nivert and they called themself Fat City. That's kind of a funny name.
Logan Lucky
The only thing I need a cell phone for is takin' pictures of you. Gun show!
Logan Lucky
On the way, they got into an accident and John Denver, he broke his thumb.
Logan Lucky
Excuse you. I got her there fine, by the way.
Logan Lucky
Of course for me, it was all about the uniforms. Their jerseys are the most striking shade of purple. Purple. Yes. Purple and gold. Royal colors. Yeah, I got off early, so I figured I'd take Sadie on over to her dance thing, so you didn't have to drive her.
Logan Lucky
The V-8's just so much faster and you can really feel the road under you.
Logan Lucky
I am kind of surprised you went for the V-6 automatic.
Logan Lucky
'Course, I keep forgettin' you can't drive stick. No, I know how to drive stick. I don't think you do. All the cars you always bringin' home from the lot are auto. I love stick! I'm a big fan of stick!
Logan Lucky
You can't tell me you wouldn't love to get behind the wheel of this baby. Come on, jump on in. Take it for a spin. I don't need anything that fancy. Well, you know, this Nova ended up costin' Chevy a ton 'cause it totally bit the dust in Mexico.
Logan Lucky
Way to go, baby doll.
Logan Lucky
You're an idiot. No, it's true. Not true. Look it up.
Logan Lucky
You should see.
Logan Lucky
Come on.
Logan Lucky
You know, in Mexican, "Nova" translates to “No Go", so they couldn't get anyone to buy it. 'Cause they all thought the car would, you know, "No Go."