Well, I can't believe you're staying. [scoffs] What does that mean?
No Hard Feelings
- Get back into the sea. - Just opened a beer. Go to the sea. - It's cold as fuck-- - Go in the ocean. Might just keep paddling.
No Hard Feelings
I just know my mom would've wanted me to save that house.
No Hard Feelings
These people use us. So why don't we use them?
No Hard Feelings
No Hard Feelings
How long are you gonna keep doing this? Having sex for Buicks? This is probably it. That wasn't what I meant. I did what I needed to do to save my mom's house, okay?
No Hard Feelings
That was kind of weird, huh?
No Hard Feelings
And stick out your finger.
No Hard Feelings
I don't think that's what the song is about. I'll look into that. Long Island iced tea for America's sweetheart, and one for the boy. Oh, uh, good news, by the way. Um, we got some new dogs in today. So, you know, if you're still looking...
No Hard Feelings
I had to switch schools... after I had a sleepover in ninth grade and everybody found out that I still slept in my parents' room sometimes, so...
No Hard Feelings
Yeah, I wanna-- I wanna-- Yeah, I'm just a little itchy. But let's go.
No Hard Feelings
Why couldn't your dad do it?
No Hard Feelings
Now you're stuck with me forever.
No Hard Feelings
God, I love the beach. I just feel so free out here. Don't you? Um... yeah.
No Hard Feelings
Come on, let's get you out of these Daisy Dukes. [laughs] Maddie, I don't know.