I had a date, and a dress, and... What happened? It was a long time ago. Who cares?
No Hard Feelings
Well, I've lived in this house my whole life. Really? I did leave once, when I was 18.
No Hard Feelings
This happens sometimes when I get anxious. I know you're really horny. I'm sorry. [sighs] Fuck.
No Hard Feelings
I think you're the... I think you're the prettiest person I've ever seen.
No Hard Feelings
No Hard Feelings
Well, I don't know if you heard, but, uh... [clicking tongue] That's great. Congratulations. - Congratulations. - Thank you. Thank you.
No Hard Feelings
I think it's closed, though. Oh, it's after 8, so...
No Hard Feelings
I'm ugly to you. I knew it. - I knew it. - What? No. - No. - Seems like it. No, I...
No Hard Feelings
These yours? Yeah, no need to fold them. Let's take her clothes. Take her clothes. - Take her fucking clothes. - They're taking our clothes. - Hey, put that back! - Suck my balls! Oh-ho-ho! I'm warning you. Bye, sea bitch. You said nothing bad would happen. - We need to find an adult. - Percy, you're an adult. Where are you going? [chattering] Oh, dude. What the fuck? - Gross, right? - Dude. [girl] It's like nasty. - Wait, are you serious? - We lost one.
No Hard Feelings
I live in Battery Park. Get out.
No Hard Feelings
Oh, look, no swimming.
No Hard Feelings
I don't wanna do that. I just... I don't know why you'd have sex with someone if you don't like them. It was Christmas, I was lonely. I don't know. Why'd you disappear on him? What's with the questions? Can't we just get drunk and have fun? Oh, sorry. Just trying to get to know you.
No Hard Feelings
I was trying to get to know you.
No Hard Feelings
- [man 1] Oh, yeah. - [Percy] Okay, very funny, Maddie. - [man 2] Yo! - [Percy] Now let me off.