Yeah, I really appreciate that, now. Honey, just keep walking.
American Made
Mr. President, what do you know about money going to the Contras? All I know is this is just gonna taste wonderful and I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Vice President Bush, did you know about the Contra aid or not, sir?
American Made
Barry? Barry, are you there?
American Made
The other pilots' whereabouts are unknown. The CIA continued using Barry's planes to arm the Contras. Shit! Come on, you piece of shit! Pull up!
American Made
And that's insurance for you and the kids. All right?
American Made
- ATF! Drop your weapons! - What the fuck? - Whoa, whoa, whoa! DEA! - Lower your guns! Put your freaking guns down! - Everybody's friends here! - It's cool. - DEA, all right? - This is our collar. - Bullshit. - No, no, no, no. State Police! What the fuck are ya'll doin' in my county?
American Made
How's it uh, how's it going down there?
American Made
File? Starts off with a bang. Top of your class in the Civil Air Patrol. Youngest pilot in TWA history. You were going places.
American Made
I call these boys my Snowbirds. And we could fly through anything.
American Made
Get it fucking done.
American Made
You have a... drop off and pick up service here every other Thursday.
There was just one small problem. See, pilots, they were killin' themselves tryin' to get off that runway. I see you had a few other boys try to make it outta here. Si. Si, terrible pilots.
American Made
♪ 'Cause people like to talk ♪ ♪ Lord, don't they love to talk ♪ ♪ But when they turn out the lights ♪ ♪ I know she'll be leavin' with me ♪ ♪ And when we get behind closed doors ♪ ♪ Then she lets her hair hang down ♪ What's up? How you doin'? ♪ And she makes me glad that I'm a man ♪
American Made
Parkin' Chevys a lot harder than it fuckin' looks, dude. Hey, watch your mouth around the kids. Sorry.
American Made
- Huh? - You'd do that for all of us? Yes, sir, I would. I'd get all ya'll Caddies. Have 'em here this afternoon. What're you tryin' to do, Seal? Add another 20 for bribery? Oh, no, no, no. I'm just offerin' you Caddies for your troubles. What trouble, Seal? Well, bringing me down here, for one. See, Ima walk outta here.