The Bellamy Brothers - "Let Your Love Flow" ♪ Just let your love flow like a mount... ♪
American Made
- Hey, Luce. - Uh, back here. ♪ And let your love show ♪ ♪ And you'll know what I mean ♪ ♪ It's the season ♪ ♪ Let your love fly ♪ ♪ Like a bird on a wing ♪ ♪ And let your love bind you ♪
American Made
Thank you all for flying TWA tonight. Welcome to Baton Rouge. The people's choice.
American Made
I apologize for the delay. We're at number 11 for take off. We'll try to make it up in the air.
American Made
Yeah, Alpha, Alpha 15 at November for time at Delta Delta. Shit.
American Made
Apologies from the flight deck.
American Made
Just wake me up over Texas.
American Made
Howdy, folks.
American Made
For the first time in the history of our country, a majority of our people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years.
American Made
How you doin'? Now look, I'm gonna give you a plastic bag. I want you to go upstairs and put your favorite toys... Go on back to bed, honey. Daddy done lost his mind. No, darlin', you listen to Daddy. You go do that. - See, we're going on an adventure. - No, we're not going on an adventure. Like the time we went camping in the park? Not actually, but-'cause every adventure's different. Oh, my God, you're actually serious right now. Barry, it's 4:00 a.m., I'm not moving.
American Made
Amigos! They're gonna hear that goddamn camera, Barry.
American Made
Where? On... - My land? - Yeah.
American Made
Welcome back.
American Made
♪ I got a black widow spider for mama, Lord ♪ ♪ Got a diamond-backed rattler for pa ♪ ♪ Well, I got me a woman down in New Orleans ♪ ♪ Got a friend in Arkansas ♪ ♪ Got a morning full... ♪ ♪ Gonna make you grieve ♪ ♪ Lovin' gonna make you mine ♪ ♪ Ain't never seen your town before ♪ Look at it, they got barbecue.