Listen, Louisiana PD was notified of your arrest here. They're gonna raid your house at 6:00 am. They're gonna pick up Lucy, bring her in for questioning. Maybe even keep her overnight. Oh, my God.
American Made
That's how you support this family. This is gonna be good for us. What about benefits? Our healthcare? And we have great healthcare with TWA. Um, you know, I'm sure that's not gonna be a problem. And what the hell does IAC mean, anyway?
American Made
Maybe I should've asked a few more questions.
American Made
American Made
Barry Seal? Schafer?
American Made
I got it.
American Made
Exactly three years ago, I promised you a president who feels your pain and who shares your dreams.
American Made
American Made
Bob, I need a little help back here. - Gimme a hand with this shit. - You got it.
American Made
Talking Heads - "Slippery People"
American Made
Where we going, man?
American Made
You know my name? You're the gringo who flies to Central America every week. Taking pictures very low with your fancy plane.
American Made
Listen, Jorge, we gotta put on the brakes for a bit. Brakes? No, no, no. No brakes. We have product to move. I understand amigo, but I-I got a family situation. Eh, your brother-in-law. We know all about it. - We'll handle it, amigo. - No, no, no, no. - I don't want you to handle it. - Barry, listen. - I got it. I got this. - Barry, listen to me. We'll handle it, okay? So don't worry. - We'll talk business later. - Jorge...
American Made
Good luck, kid.
American Made
Oh, uh... We uh, we're sending you to Panama tomorrow. The CIA was so happy with my work, they gave me another job.
American Made
My job was just to drop off and pick up.
American Made
Yeah, I mean uh-uh... those photos, see I have a uh... aviation company here in South America, I advise... - Yes, the AIC. - IAC. Yes, Sir. Or is it CIA? What? No, no, no. I'm just a businessman here. I'm a businessman. Imports-Exports. Cattle.