You're not getting all religious on me, are you, Jerry? No, I... This... This is fun. Come on. Guess. - Who's the fourth? - I don't know. Freddy, the angel. No, not Freddy. You know this. You know his name, I promise you. You're forgetting one thing.
The Voices
Hardly. No, I'm from Reading. Reading is a lot closer to hell.
The Voices
Who's the fourth?
The Voices
Well, that arty chick Lisa, she thinks you're hot.
The Voices
You gonna love it. It's this terrible, cheap, all-night burger joint out by the county line. - We go. - And you wanna go there tonight? Yes and yes. Full steam ahead, Captain, and don't spare the chili. Yeah. All right.
The Voices
You know, they say a lot of things about you up in accounting. Like what?
The Voices
Let's get something to eat. - I got crackers in the glove box. - No. We need something horrible and greasy tonight. Do you know Doran's?
The Voices
And everybody else, we just wonder where you're from.
The Voices
God, I'm starving.
The Voices
Insanely bored.
The Voices
You like trivia? - Yes. Why? - I got a good one, okay? There is tons of angels in the Bible, but only four of them have names. Three of which are Michael, Raphael and Gabriel.
The Voices
It's okay, Bosco. Pretty bad situation, buddy. I know.