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Right. Exactly.
The Voices
- Jerry? - Hi.
The Voices
We could have filled 10 more refrigerators, Jerry. Shush, pussy. If he survives he'll only cause more suffering, pain and death.
The Voices
Hey, Fiona! Lisa! - Good evening, love! - Hi, Jerry!
The Voices
But now, it's time for each of us to go our own way.
The Voices
- Goodbye, friend. - Goodbye, Mr. Whiskers.
The Voices
Me, too. I like you, Mr. Whiskers.
The Voices
- Mom? - Hey, Jerry. - Dad? - Creep.
The Voices
It's over. Jerry's going home.
The Voices
What can I do about it now? Take the meds, you useless wanker.
The Voices
Now I'm a severed head in a fridge. Sucks to be me, Jerry.
The Voices
See? That wasn't so hard, was it?
The Voices
Take them. Take them!
The Voices
- Mama! - Jerry.
The Voices