What do you mean, "Someone"? What do you mean? See someone, like a therapist. Honey, black people don't go to therapy. We go to barbershops. That's where we talk out our problems. Or we watch the movie Barbershop. One or the other. Look, my parents were really unhappy for a long time before they got divorced. And maybe if they saw someone sooner, they would still be married.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Um... 6:00 p.m., when? Tonight? Yeah. Yeah, is that a problem? Holy shit! Robbie Wheirdicht?
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
I just want to nip this thing in the bud, whatever it is.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
MAGGIE: Please, just do it for me, if not for you.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
I don't want to end up like my parents.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
VVassup? VVassup?
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
He never came back to school after that, right? Like, not for finals or graduation or anything. I'm not sure. I don't know if he did or not, but he changed his name to "Bob Stone" and apparently he's in town for the high school reunion. He wants to go to dinner tonight, and I kinda already said "yes." - Okay. - If you want me to cancel, I will. You know? If that's what you want, I don't mind.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
No, you're just sexy as dick right now. You don't look somebody in the eyes and say that. Hey, let's get hammered.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
God, man, look at you! You've lost, like, 200 pounds! I see you gained it back in muscle. Oh, my God! You look great!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
I'm sorry, man. I am blown away right now. - Dude, you used to be Fat Robbie. -(LAUGHS)
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
- Oh, my-- - MAGGIE: What is that? - Okay. - Calvin? Are you-- Love you. Bye-bye.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Look, honey, I think that we should see someone.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
- Wait, you're Robbie Wheirdicht? - Yeah!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Are you kidding? What?
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Calvin, honey? Hello? Um, yeah. IcanW.laHeady made plans for tonight, baby. - MAGGIE: Plans with who? - With Bob Stone. Who's Bob Stone? That sounds like a fake name. No, no. You remember Robbie Wheirdicht, from high school? No. The guy who got beaten up by Trisha Demarco at homecoming? No. The kid that tried to rap along to Coolio's 1,2, 3,4 at the talent show but then he kinda lost his way, midway through so he just started bopping his head, and he stood there? No. Nothing. The guy who got thrown out the gym, butt-ass-naked, senior year? Oh, my God, yeah! Why wouldn't you start with that? Because I thought that was kind of mean. I don't know.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
CALVIN: Oh! Honey, I want every single girl to be jealous tomorrow night. Oh.