Oh, f... - All right, let's move out. - Let's move out. Come on. You got to be kidding me. Hey, Thorp, you're ten minutes late. What kept you? Looks to me like your net's got a hole in it. Or are you just letting your hostages out for some exercise? No, no, no. We got a wild gopher running around complicating shit and causing problems. Who? Lightstone security? Nah, I don't think so. Some intruder dressed as Santa. But I'm telling you, I'm telling you, there's something weird about him. Might be the real Santa. - The fuck did she just say? - Nothing, nothing. She's joking. My squad will take care of it.
Violent Night
Gertrude, uh, I got you something pretty special. Did you hear that, Gertrude? He got you something amazing. Oh, what could it be? Oh, my God, this is exciting. Mom. Can I call you Mom?
Violent Night
Here we go. Our skeleton key. The "open" magic stick. This better fucking work. I'm flushing my career for this, my reputation. Yeah, well, then you can buy yourself a new rep.
Violent Night
Well, it... yeah, it does sound stupid when you say it like that. How can you do this right now? It's disgusting. After all that Mother has given us? Come on, Alva. Everything she ever gave you, she made damn sure we knew she had the power to take right back. I have spent years groveling to you. In the meanwhile, I was destroying the only good thing in my life. What are we doing here, huh? Family therapy or doing a heist? - Yeah, enough of this sharing bullshit. - All right. Where'd you put it?
Violent Night
♪ We waited all through the year ♪ ♪ For the day to appear ♪ ♪ When we could be together ♪ ♪ In harmony ♪ ♪ You know the time will come ♪ ♪ Peace on Earth for everyone ♪ Suck on this.
Violent Night
Oh, no.
Violent Night
You can't trust anyone these days. I'm not sure how, but you or one of your shithead kids moved the money. And this upsets me. It upsets me in a way that makes me want to just randomly shoot at people.
Violent Night
All right, I've been a sweetheart up to now. But that's all over. No more fucking games! Where's the money? Or I will shoot every last one of you and enjoy it.
Violent Night
Easy, easy. - Yeah! - Easy. Identify yourself. I'm one of the hostages. Morgan Steel, the actor. Played a lot of soldiers in my career. Can I just say, thank you for your service. Semper fi.
Violent Night
Beta Team, go find this asshole. Go. Now, let's unwrap our present, shall we? All right, you heard the man. Time to kill Santa. I've got him. He's on the roof. Roger that. I got eyes on him.
Violent Night
Hello? Santa?
Violent Night
Hey. I've got an idea. This will be fun.
Violent Night
Right after I kill this little piece of shit!
Violent Night
Trudy, I want you to, uh... just do me a favor.
Violent Night
Enough of this shit. Santa!
Violent Night
Jesus! Shit!
Violent Night
You little...
Violent Night
Mom. It's fine, Bert. Everything's fine. Okay. Everybody, get up. It's time for a murder. Come on. Come on. You don't want to kill us. You really don't. Oh, yes, I do. I really, really, really do. And I'm gonna start with you. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.