Aitz chaim he, Dude, as the ex used to say. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? What the fuck are we gonna tell Lebowski? Oh, him. I don't know. Vvhatexacfly is the problem? The problem is... What do you mean, what's the... There was no...
The Big Lebowski
We have it! We have it! We have it!
The Big Lebowski
What the fuck? Okay, Dude, you're wheel. Hey, man, what the fuck? At 15 mph, I roll out. I double back, grab one of them and beat it out of him. The Uzi. Uzi. You didn't think I was rolling out of here naked, did you? Walter, please! Fifteen, Dude! This is it! Let's take that hill! Walter!
The Big Lebowski
Oh, shit! What the fuck's going on? Walter... What the fuck is going on? He hung up, man. You fucked it up. You fucked it up! Her “fie was 'm our hands, man. Easy, Dude. We're screwed now. We don't get shit. They're gonna kill her. We're fucked, Walter. Nothing is fucked, Dude. Come on. You're being very un-Dude. They'll call back. Look, she kidnapped...
The Big Lebowski
Hey, yo. Come here. Who's your friend in the Volkswagen? Huh?
The Big Lebowski
I'll be with you in a moment, Mr. Lebowski.
The Big Lebowski
Fuck. Wham he say'? There is no fucking hand-off, man. At the wooden bridge we throw the money out of the oar. We throw the money out of the moving car.
The Big Lebowski
Dude. You are coming to wooden bridge. When you cross the bridge, you throw the bag from the left window of the moving car. You're being watched.
The Big Lebowski
You see? Nothing's fucked here, Dude. Nothing is fucked. They're a bunch of fucking amateurs. Walter, will you just shut the fuck up? Don't say peep while I'm doing business here, man. Okay, Dude. Have it your way. But they're amateurs. Fuck. Dude. Okay, we proceed but only if there is no funny stuff. Yeah, yeah. So no funny stuff. Okay? Just tell me where the fuck you want us to go.
The Big Lebowski
I hear the cottonwoods whispering above That wasn't her toe, Dude.
The Big Lebowski
The Big Lebowski
Walter, how am I gonna... Shomer fucking shabbos! Oh, fuck! That's it. I'm out of here. Oh, come on, Dude.
The Big Lebowski
You're lucky they left the tape deck though, and the Creedence.
The Big Lebowski
Well, we... I don't... They did not receive the money, you nitwit! They did not receive the money! Her life was in your hands! This is our concern, Dude. No, man. Nothing is fucked here. Nothing is fucked? No, man. The goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain! Man, come on. Who are you gonna believe, those guys or... We dropped off the damn money. We?
The Big Lebowski
Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.
The Big Lebowski
He's a nihilist.
The Big Lebowski
"Karl Hungus."
The Big Lebowski
That was the sign, man. So, all we gotta do is get her back. No one's in a position to complain. We keep the baksheesh. Yeah, terrific, Walter. But you haven't told me how we're gonna get her back. Where is she? That's the simple part, Dude. We make the hand-off, I grab one of them and beat it out of him. Huh? That's a great plan, Walter. That's fucking ingenious, if I understand it correctly. It's a Swiss fucking watch. That's right, Dude. The beauty of this is its simplicity. Once a plan gets too complex, everything can go wrong. If there's one thing I learned in Nam...