Also, can you page me when C.T.'s ready? - Oh, sure. - Thanks, sweetie.
Meet Joe Black
Reporting the news is a privilege and a responsibility. And it is not exploitable. Parrish Communications has earned this privilege. John Bontecou wants to buy it.
Meet Joe Black
Thank you. Eddie. Uh, this is Joe Black. He's a...
Meet Joe Black
Meet Joe Black
Yeah. I did enjoy, or rather I was interested... in meeting John Bontecou yesterday, and, um...
Meet Joe Black
Who are you?
Meet Joe Black
How nice you look. Is that your uniform? What are you doing here?
Meet Joe Black
Meet Joe Black
So... what's the deal here? You gonna be breathing down my neck right till the very end? - I don't understand. - I'd like to be alone for a while.
Meet Joe Black
Uh, to review. We're really crossing the T's and dotting the I's here. Uh, Bill had a great and conclusive meeting yesterday with John Bontecou, and all that remains for us is to put it to a vote.
Meet Joe Black
Um, thank you. Drew, um...
Meet Joe Black
Our s...
Meet Joe Black
- Morning, Madeline. - Oh, good morning, Mr. Parrish. - Everything okay? - Yes, sir. Good.
Meet Joe Black
Okay. Uh, the Board of Parrish Communications is hereby called to order. Our sole order of...
Meet Joe Black
What's on the docket for today? - Docket? - Hmm, yes. What shall we do? - Well, I have to go to work, and... - Splendid. I'll join you. Oh. Would you like to ride or walk? Walk. I wish to see the world. This is crazy. This is the left field thing of all time. I, uh... I don't know if I can get through this. - What do I do? What do I tell my family? - You'll get through this, Bill. As far as your family's concerned, uh, I wouldn't say anything. You'll ruin the great start we had last night. Hmm. It felt as if I was being treated like a person. Yes, Joe this, Joe that. A nice smile. Quince passed me the rolls. No passion or rapture or any of these mighty things you're so intent on imparting. But I am certain, should you say who I am, our adventure would end abruptly. Mm-hmm.
Meet Joe Black
How about giving a guy a break? Make an exception? - Well, there's one to every rule. - Not this. And call my family. I'd like them to have dinner with me tonight. Didn't the family get together last night? - Jennifer. - Of course, Mr. Parrish, right away. Uh, perhaps you'd like to wait in my office. No.
Meet Joe Black
And I did so enjoy your family.
Meet Joe Black
What about my family? This adventure involves only me, right? What do you mean?