Yeah, I've been meaning to talk with you, Mike. My wife's doing poorly. I'd like to maybe see her one more time.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Daisy. Daisy.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
I enjoyed the show!
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Left wondering about the weather, the temperature of a bath, the light at the end of a day.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
What did your father do? I never met my father. You lucky bastard.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Her face was red from it.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
And their son came home.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Don't let anyone tell you different. You gotta do what you're meant to do. And I happen to be a goddamned artist.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
There was one woman who wanted to sleep with me.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
She's flying now, huh?
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
This is a frickin' miracle.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Come on. Walk. Come on, son. Come on. - Come on with it, son. Come on. - Come on. Now God is gonna see you the rest of the way. He's gonna see this little old man walk without the use of a crutch or a cane. He's gonna see that you walk from faith... - Hallelujah! ...and divine inspiration alone! - Yes. - Hey, Ben! - Go, son! - Now walk. - Yes. - Come on.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
It was a wonderful place to grow up. I was with people who had shed all the inconsequences of earlier life.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
You were breathtaking.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Newfoundland. Baffin Bay.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
We were first to arrive at the scene. - Cut the engines! - All stop!
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
- We could lay down your jacket. - I don't know, Daisy. It's not that I wouldn't like to or anything. I think I'll just disappoint you.