Found 970 results
So, uh, what have you been working on?
Big Hero 6
This chip is what makes Baymax, Baymax.
Big Hero 6
I'll show you.
Big Hero 6
- Titanium skeleton? - Carbon fiber.
Big Hero 6
Right. Even lighter.
Big Hero 6
Looks like you're out of microbots.
Big Hero 6
Now my signs are on fire!
Big Hero 6
- Aunt Cass? - Unless it's moldy. We'll, uh... We'll catch up, okay?
Big Hero 6
I am contacting them now. No, no, no! I... Don't do that. Your friends have been contacted. Unbelievable.
Big Hero 6
That's right. I thought I heard you. Hi.
Big Hero 6
Sure. I'm so proud of you. Both of you.
Big Hero 6
I would like to help.
Big Hero 6
Database downloaded.
Big Hero 6