Found 970 results
Did you file a report when your flying robots were stolen?
Big Hero 6
Callaghan's daughter. She's still alive.
Big Hero 6
Bot-fight's that way!
Big Hero 6
Whoa. Electro-mag suspension?
Big Hero 6
Let's go get her.
Big Hero 6
Write your name and number down on this piece of paper, and we can... Oh!
Big Hero 6
Um... The thing is that, since I registered so late, I've got a lot of school stuff to catch up on.
Big Hero 6
Stress eating. Because of you.
Big Hero 6
We jumped out a window.
Big Hero 6
Come on, let's get out of here. Go! Hurry!
Big Hero 6
- What? - Coming from there.
Big Hero 6
This is really good!
Big Hero 6
When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours?
Big Hero 6
It's still on! We have to shut it down!
Big Hero 6
The portal is gonna tear itself apart!
Big Hero 6