You know what? I was wrong about you. You're not the Donut Lord at all. You're more like the Jerk Lord. Have you noticed the harpoon stuck in our dash?
Sonic the Hedgehog
You've got car insurance, right?
Sonic the Hedgehog
This feels excessive.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic! I was forced from my home. Your home is perfect, and you're leaving it. Why would you do that? - Your body! - Oh, no, not again! Hey! Hold on! - Why? - Because I'm gonna do this.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Oh, come on! How could something so adorable be so terrible?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
- Agent Stone? - Doctor. Do you see anything useful in this image? - Nothing at all, Doctor. - Of course you don't. Your eyes weren't expertly trained to spot tracks by the Native-American Shadow Wolves.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Right. Relax.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Are you in charge here? - Yes, I am... - Nope! - My... - Wrong! - name... - I'm in charge! - is Major... - Me! - Ben... - I'm in charge. You've never seen anything like this before. It says I'm the top banana in a world full of hungry little monkeys. Allow me to clarify. In a sequentially ranked hierarchy based on level of critical importance, the disparity between us is too vast to quantify. - Agent Stone? - The Doctor thinks you're basic. I'm initiating a sweep sequence. Ten miles in every direction should suffice. - Is he still looking at me funny? - Yes, he is. Tell him to stop or I'll pull up his search history. If you don't stop looking at the Doctor, - he'll take a closer look... - I'm not deaf. And tell him his men report to me now. Blah-blah-blah. Excuse me? Listen, pal, I don't know if you realize... I'm sorry, Major. What was your name? - Benning... - Nobody cares! Nobody cares. Listen, Major Nobody Cares. You know why nobody cares who you are? Because nobody cares about your feeble accomplishments. And nobody cares how proud your mommy is that you're now reading at a third-grade level. - Mmm. - Have you finished Charlotte's Web yet? Spoiler alert: She dies in the end. But she leaves a big creepy egg sac. Ah... my babies. Whoo! Look what came out of my egg sac. You know what I love about machines? They do what they're told. They follow their programming. They don't need time off to get drunk and put the boat in the water. Now you do what you're told. Stand over there on the edge of your personal abyss... and watch my machines do your job.
Sonic the Hedgehog
That's extraordinary. No. What's extraordinary is, I've determined the exact height, weight and spinal curvature of this creature, and my computer can't find a single match for it anywhere in Earth's animal kingdom.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Ah-ha! Wait a second, is this bull missing a head or does it have two butts?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Okay. - Holy... - What? His pulse is super-fast. That actually might be normal for him. I don't know. You gotta help him, Maddie. I don't know his physiology. He doesn't seem to have any broken bones. He's just really banged up.
- Is Maddie here? - No, no. - Not today. Goodbye. - It's an emergency! - Bye-bye. - Rachel, stop! Maddie! Don't do this. This is important. - Oh, my God! Rachel, let him in. - I am calling the police. No, I am calling the FBI. I am calling the CIA. - Stop. Don't do that. - I am calling your mother. - Okay, got it. - Maddie, can we talk? Tom, what's going on? You're all over the news. I've been trying to call you. I had to ditch my phone so they couldn't track me. - Ditch his phone? - Track you? - Uncle Tommy! - Jojo! Hey! Now your niece is an accessory to treason. - No, she's not. - Calm down. Calm down? I will not calm down! - Enough. - Yes, calm down. Stop talking. No. Ozzy, please. Good to see you too. Oh, little Lord Baby Jesus. What is that, Tom? Is that plutonium? Is it e-mails? Yes, it's plutonium. Can we please go in the other room and talk... Stop it, Ozzy. Quit it! This is why I told you he was no good. - I'm not engaging. - No, Ozzy, quit it.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Howdy, pardner! I'm not your partner. Come on. We're leaving. But there's a ZZ Top cover band. You gotta see their beards. You're gonna have to catch 'em some other time. Let's go. Get up! If we stay, I won't say another word for the rest of the trip, starting... now.