I don't mean to be indelicate here, but someone should get some ice, keep the body fresh. He's just a silly little alien. He didn't belong here! That little alien knew more about being human than you ever will. His name was Sonic. This was his home. And he was my friend.
Sonic the Hedgehog
- I think these belong to you. - Thank you very much.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Donut Lord?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Who the hell do you think you are? I'm the Donut Lord, you son of a...
Sonic the Hedgehog
Any last words?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Okay, that's a fair point. What are you? Why are you hiding out in my garage? I needed somewhere safe. And you're the only person I could think of, Donut Lord. Why do you keep calling me Donut Lord? 'Cause you talk to donuts. And then eat them if they get out of line. Again, fair. Wait, wait, wait. Where are all the mushrooms? Why am I still on Earth? What is... Oh, no! I lost my rings. What?
Sonic the Hedgehog
What the... - They're coming for me! - Who's coming for you? - What's that got to do with me? - I don't have time to explain, but you have to help me. No, I don't. Why? Well, my legs, which normally would be classified as lethal weapons, feel like spaghetti. I need your help. Please. It's life or death.
Sonic the Hedgehog
You're not... You're not here to abduct me, are you? You abducted me.