God, I should have known. You've been acting like such a freak... Stop! Let go of me! Put me down! Put me down or I'm gonna scream! Ruby. Stop it! Put me down! Ruby? Oh, my God, stop! Ow! Shh! Stop it. Oh, do not bite. Do not bite. Listen to me. Shh, shh. There is a lot that is new here, more than I can tell you. I'm having trouble processing it all, okay? Then talk to me about it. Don't go on a date with another girl. I wasn't on a date.
Ruby Sparks
Get in the car. Why? What? [CAR ALARM CHIRPING]
Ruby Sparks
No one's interested in your business, honey. [CHUCKLES] Well, this is the bathroom. We have our own well. [CHAINSAW WHIRRING] This is Mort's workshop!
Ruby Sparks
[LAUGHS] I'll be right back. I have to do something. No, wait, hold it. [SPEAKING IN FRENCH]
Ruby Sparks
Do you wanna get out of here? RUBY: Calvin. Do you know this girl? Yeah. Hi, I'm Ruby, Calvin's girlfriend. I don't think we've met.
Ruby Sparks
[GIGGLES] So, um, do you do this a lot? Do what? Meet up in the middle of the day for sex.
Ruby Sparks
Right. Right. Well, men never just wanna talk to women. I do. If you say so. Uh, heh, are you even legal? I mean, not to drink, but, yeah. Of course. Do you, um...?
Ruby Sparks
Look. RUBY: Is that you? GERTRUDE: Heh, yes. Wow. And that was Jack.
Ruby Sparks
Great. Your brother looks like he could use a drink.
Ruby Sparks
The situation is crazy. I am not.
Ruby Sparks
Calvin, don't put it away. Throw it away. I swear, if your mother knew...
Ruby Sparks
I'm saying...
Ruby Sparks
I'm telling you, Calvin, the honeymoon shit, it doesn't last. I know that. Women are different up close. I love Susie...
Ruby Sparks
Listen. I'm not saying you can't write.
Ruby Sparks
Well, I don't know. I just started. HARRY: This is a love story, right? Who reads love stories? Women. And I'm telling you, no woman's gonna wanna read this. Why not? It's romantic. Quirky, messy women whose problems only make them endearing are not real.