Put a bounty on him! Forty K. - But I want him back alive. - Yeah, Cap. - Alive? - That's what I said. I told you when you picked that kid up, you should have delivered him like we was hired to do! He was cargo! - You have always been soft on him. - You're the only one I'm being soft on! Now, don't you worry about Mr. Quill. As soon as we get him back here, I'm gonna kill him myself. What we do need to worry about, is who else out there wants that Orb!
Guardians of the Galaxy
I may be as pretty as an angel, but I sure as hell ain't one.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Number two!
Guardians of the Galaxy
Hell! I'm going down, Quill! No more games with me, boy! I'll see you at the end of this!
Guardians of the Galaxy
Looks like we got one. Okay, humie, how bad does someone wanna find you?
Guardians of the Galaxy
Peter Quill. This is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corps. For the record, I advised against trusting you here. They got my "dick" message! Prove me wrong.
Guardians of the Galaxy
I live for the simple things. Like how much this is gonna hurt. Yeah. Writhe, little man.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Check out the new meat. I'm gonna slather you up in Gunavian jelly, and go to town...
Guardians of the Galaxy
Quit smiling, you idiot. You're supposed to be a professional.
Guardians of the Galaxy
What the...
Guardians of the Galaxy
Peter, you can't. Peter. You gotta reconsider this, Yondu. I don't know who you're selling this to, but the only way the universe can survive is if you give it to the Nova Corps.
Guardians of the Galaxy
It's probably good we didn't deliver him to his dad like we was hired to do. Yeah, that guy was a jackass.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Quill! What are you doing? I'm no family to Ronan or Thanos.