Do you have any controI over gambIing and narcotics in New York State? No, I do not. Senator, my cIient wouId Iike to read a statement. Mr. Chairman, I think this statement is totaIIy out of order at this time. Sir, my cIient has answered this committee's questions with sincerity. He hasn't taken the Fifth Amendment, so this statement shouId be heard!
The Godfather Part II
In the hopes of cIearing my famiIy name to give my chiIdren their share of the American way of Iife without a bIemish on their name and background, I have appeared before this committee and given it aII my cooperation.
The Godfather Part II
New York City. -Are you the son of Vito CorIeone? -Yes, I am. -Where was he born? -CorIeone, SiciIy. Did he at times use an aIias that was known in certain circIes as Godfather?
The Godfather Part II
No, I'll allow Mr. Corleone to read his statement. I'II put it in the record.
The Godfather Part II
No, it's not true. I own some stock in some of the hoteIs there, but very IittIe.
The Godfather Part II
I aIso have stock in IBM and IT&T.
The Godfather Part II
I'll even lower it.
The Godfather Part II
With all respect, I didn't come here to eat dinner!
The Godfather Part II
What's "Chen dannay"? "Cent' anni". It means 100 years. It means we should all live happily for 100 years. The family. -It would be true if my father were alive. -Connie. Hey... Merle, you've met my sister-in-law, Deanna. -Fredo's wife. -My pleasure.
The Godfather Part II
-Famiglia! -Cent' anni!
The Godfather Part II
If you don't listen to me and marry this man, you'll disappoint me.
The Godfather Part II
The Godfather Part II
Tell him marriage is out of the question and you don't want to see him anymore. He'll understand, believe me.
The Godfather Part II
I don't know this Merle. I don't know what he does or what he lives on.
The Godfather Part II
You can live on the estate with your kids. You won't be deprived of anything.
The Godfather Part II
Why don't you stay with the family?
The Godfather Part II
Your oldest boy was picked up in Reno for a theft you don't even know about. You fly around the world with men who use you! -You're not my father! -So why come to me? I need money.