- Hiya, Ray. - Boy, you boys are killing me. What's the hold up? I break ground in two weeks. - These things take time. You're proposing substantial alterations. - I'm adding a basement and a furnace, that's all. - We need our architect to thoroughly review it and make sure everything is safe and up to code. - Fine. Has he seen it yet, has he taken a look at it? - I'm not sure to be honest. - I've got bulldozers rolling up on the 23rd. - I'm not the one who scheduled that, Ray. - I need you to take a breath. - Take a breath? Do you realize what it's going to cost me if I have to push? - Hopefully, it won't come to that. - Every restaurant in the Midwest has a basement and a furnace. - This is standard stuff. - I understand. But it's our name on that building. God forbid the floor caves in and people get hurt or worse because of some design flaw we missed. Let's just slow down a minute and make sure it's done right. - So much for the Speedee System, huh?
The Founder
Just be right one time.
The Founder
- Ahh, use my office telephone number, that's the best place to reach me. - All right. Of course we'll need an appraisal on your home before we can issue funds.
The Founder
June, did you schedule the stakeout with the engineer? All set. - What about the fire department? Did you get the approval for the driveway design? - Left a message with them yesterday. - Excavation permits? - I'm meeting with them today. - All right. Hey, what's going on with San Bernardino, by the way? - I just spoke to Dick, he says they're working on it. - They're working on it? - That's what he said. - Ray Kroc on the line.
The Founder
- A hot head like that, you don't know what he's capable of. - It's all bluster, Dick. His bark is worse than his bite. - That's what Neville Chamberlain said. - He'll relax. Give him some time.
The Founder
It'll be fine.
The Founder
One time.
The Founder
- Ha-ha. - I'm just joking with you, Ray. - Hold on, Jack. You should hear him out.
The Founder
It's such a delicate subject that I... I just don't know how to say it. Kind of a... I don't know how to say it. Now, look, Mary. You called me, you rushed over to gab. Now, what is it you want to say? Well, Jack...
The Founder
Put the hat on straight.
The Founder
- What are you doing? Come on. There's time to lean, there's time to clean. Let's go.
The Founder
- Congratulations. - All right. - Three new franchises in the last month. - Well, that's great. What? - I don't know. - What? - Don't you think maybe, given our experience, that this is all happening a little too quickly? If they all pop up at once, how is he going to maintain standards?
The Founder
- Burger up. - I'm going to give you three words. I want you to take those three words home with you tonight. McDonald's is family. Isn't that great? You know what I say when I see that? Family. We're one big family. Aren't we? We've got mouths to feed. That's a family.
The Founder
- Son of a bitch.
The Founder
It is really something to see. Wonderful, don't you think, Ethel? - I suppose it is, yeah. - Yeah.