Ethel! In here. - Oh boy, I saw a restaurant, I've never seen a restaurant like this in my life. They've got this fully automated system. It's called the Speedee System. - Mm-hmm. - Which is a good name for it, 'cause man it is speedy. I'm telling you it's like something sprung from the mind of Henry Ford or something. - It's revolutionary? - It's revolutionary. Exactly what it is, it's revolutionary. - And you want to invest in it? - I don't know. I don't know. I'm not sure yet. But I just know I want to be part of it.
The Founder
What is that? - A concept. - Huh. What are those? It's a way to make the place stand out when you're driving by. - The "Golden Arches", I call them. - The Golden Arches. Who thought of that? - Oh, that's some pure Dick magic right there. - Did you ever build one like that? - Just one. Phoenix.
The Founder
- Well... So you put somebody in charge to supervise them. - We did. - So what happened? - He obviously didn't do a great job. - So you hire somebody else, get somebody better. - Our energies are better spent making this place the best it can possibly be. - It's better to have one great restaurant - than fifty mediocre ones. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I still think if you hire the right guy... - Ray, we're not interested. - Look, I think you boys are missing something here that is... I tell ya, you got something here.
The Founder
- Give us a minute, Ray. - Sure.
The Founder
Crosses. Flags. Arches.
The Founder
You know I've drove through a lot of towns. A lot of small towns. And they all had two things in common. They had a courthouse and they had a church. On top of the church you got a cross, and on top of the courthouse, they'd have a flag. Flags, crosses. Crosses, flags. Driving around, I just cannot stop thinking about this tremendous restaurant. Now at the risk of sounding blasphemous, forgive me, those arches have a lot in common with those buildings. A building with a cross on top of it. What is that? It's a gathering place where decent wholesome people come together and they share values protected by that American flag. It could be said that beautiful building flanked by those arches signifies more or less the same thing. It doesn't just say delicious hamburgers inside. They signify family. It signifies community. It's a place where American's come together to break bread. I am telling you, McDonald's can be the new American church.
The Founder
Do it for America.
The Founder
- If you boys don't want to franchise for yourselves, that's fine. Do it for your country.
The Founder
- I don't know. - This is your dream, it's bigger than your dream. Arches. Your arches. Coast to coast. - I can't put you through that again. - I know how bad you want this. And you should have it. - Your diabetes. Last time... - We'll do things differently. Learn from our mistakes. - How so? - Keep a tighter leash on everything. Complete oversight. Every change goes through us. - Who says he's going to listen? - We'll make him listen. We'll draw up a contact. Clear as day, black and white.
The Founder
- Let's get to work, boys. - What's the first step? - Just leave that to me. We are a dynamic-fast growing company. And we're poised to make major inroads nationally. So in addition to giving us a real strong foothold right here in the Midwest, the Des Plaines location would serve as kind of a lure for other franchises if you will. - What are those? - What are... - Those?
The Founder
- Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine.
The Founder
- Home telephone number?
The Founder
- Ray Kroc.
The Founder
I need this one. You think, uh... Is there anything you can do to help me out? - I'll tell you what, let me refer you to one of my colleagues. Somebody who may be better suited to meet your needs. - Thank you.