I'm not done yet. I'm just getting to the good part. -Thank you. -You're welcome. A lot of thieves out there who claim to only do it for the money. That's not unusual.
Red Notice
[dramatic music playing]
Red Notice
-[upbeat music playing] -[indistinct chatter]
Red Notice
-Only child. -Mmm-hmm. [Hartley] Dad's a Swiss cop, Mom's an American professor.
Red Notice
[Das] Wait. Wait here.
Red Notice
[screams] [grunts]
Red Notice
[guns cocking]
Red Notice
He's on the scaffolding. We're gonna need more-- [grunts]
Booth, I'm curious. How does it feel to be sold out by the most wanted art thief in the world?
Red Notice
It's as though you wanna get caught so you can escape, just to prove yourself all over again, and prove that you're better than everybody else and that you're worthy. Worthy of what? This speech? Your father's love.
Red Notice
You found out you had a real talent for it. It made you feel special, different. You like to work alone. You don't like a team. The only jobs you take are the ones that make the big, splashy headlines, which tells me that you only do it for the thrill and not the money. Are you insane? I love the money.
Red Notice
[whispers] The Bishop. [whispers] The Bishop.
Red Notice
Red Notice
You're kidding. I never heard of a price tag like that. No one has. But you don't understand, that's not the price for just one egg.
Red Notice
-You leaving town? -[Hartley] Flight's in an hour. Something up?
Red Notice
Someone's behind this. The Bishop, maybe even Booth himself. -I'm being set up. -Maybe you are, maybe you're not. Until I figure it out, I'm gonna keep you where I can find you. Now, normally, I'm not a vindictive person, but, well, I trusted you and you hurt my feelings.