Did you really think I ran right off to the pyramids on your good word? All I had to do was wait for you two to escape from Sotto Voce, and you led me right to the third egg, which I'm going to take from you now.
Red Notice
Five-second rule. It's fine. Totally fine. Not a scratch on it. Are you sure you don't wanna flip this one? I got a guy. Let me save you the trouble.
Red Notice
[sighs] Your entrances are bullshit. Egypt? [scoffs]
Red Notice
[rapid gunshots] [in Spanish] This way! On that side.
Red Notice
How are we gonna get out of here?
Red Notice
[in English] How did she find us? I followed you. She must have followed me.
Red Notice
There's four now. Three quarter-inch steel, reinforced armor-plating, bullet-resistant glass, and a 24-karat gold inlay.
Red Notice
Look for a box that says "MacGuffin." Oh! Do you know what this is?