The strawberry! Eat the strawberry! It's worth 250! - Don't you think I know that? - You treat me like a child. I don't like the way you condescend me. - Don't do that! - Frankly, you're juvenile. Guys. I know Ms. Pac Man's special. She's fun. She's cute. She swallows. But we gotta talk, guys. Huddle up. Come on. Team meeting here. Cowboy. All right. I look at you guys, and you know what I see? A collective GPA of 52,000? Yeah! No! I see a bunch of party animals... crouched in attack position, ready to strike. Am I right?
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
- Why? - I like it here.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
You heard me. I say-- I say... fuck you, you-you-you-- you--you-- you pussy ass motherfucker! You-- You dicksucker! Don't sugar coat it, Taj. Tell me how you really feel. Seven years.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
Look at me. Pro.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
It's getting to be that time of the hour.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
I'm an exchange student from Banglapur, India. Welcome. What can we do for you?
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
- Is Van here? - He don't wanna see you. - Excuse me? - Look. - Why don't you just leave him alone? - Home wrecker.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
It's gonna be a bachelor party. One last night of debauchery with the fellas.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
Most importantly, you saw potential... in me.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
So much sinew, I need a bigger pencil. 8:30 p.m. Yeah, that's fine.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
Oh, yeah. That's the shit. Guess what. I'm feeling a little cold sore coming on. Maybe we shouldn't do this for three to six weeks. Shut up, bitch, and give me some sugar.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
Are we gonna reschedule or what?
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
By the way, can you tell me if there'll be any international travel?
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
I hate to break this to you, Ming, but you ain't Asian.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
Man, you ever heard of Tiger Woods, bitch? You better get out of here before I hit you upside the head with a three iron. What's wrong with you? Enjoy yourself. - What's wrong, dog? - Nothing. I don't feel like partying.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
I'm leaving. Then leave. But leave the honorable way.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
"Lite Beer vs. Dark-- The Showdown" by Darius Grayson. - Is that the same-- - Pulitzer-prize winning Darius Grayson. He was an alumnus of our journalism staff. He wrote his best stuff in detox. Still does, I'm told. I have got a very challenging assignment for you. A story that nobody's been able to get. - About what? - No, no. It's about whom.