And there are the princess's footprints. She is alive, or was an hour ago. If she is otherwise when I find her, I shall be very put out.
The Princess Bride
- Can you move at all? - Move? You're alive. If you want, I can fly.
The Princess Bride
Ow! Ow! Ooh!
The Princess Bride
Iocane. I'd bet my life on it.
The Princess Bride
Unless I am wrong, and I am never wrong, they are headed dead into the Fire Swamp.
The Princess Bride
Does it bother you to hear? Nothing you can say will upset me. He died well. That should please you. No bribe attempts or blubbering.
The Princess Bride
Please, I need to live." It was the "please" that caught my memory. I asked him what was so important for him.
The Princess Bride
That was a warning, Highness. The next time, my hand flies on its own. For where I come from, there are penalties when a woman lies.
The Princess Bride
Who was this love of yours? Another prince like this one?
The Princess Bride
He simply said, "Please.
The Princess Bride
"True love," he replied.
The Princess Bride
Why is that, do you think? Well, I haven't fought just one person... for so long. Been specializing in groups, battling gangs for local charities. That kind of thing. Why should that make such a... difference? Well, you see, you use different moves when you're fighting... half a dozen... people... than when you only... have to be worried... about one.
The Princess Bride
This would be what? Five years ago?
The Princess Bride
- Let me explain. - There's nothing to explain. You're trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen. Perhaps an arrangement can be reached? There will be no arrangement. And you're killing her.
The Princess Bride
Inhale this, but do not touch.
The Princess Bride
Someone has beaten the giant. There will be great suffering in Guilder if she dies.
The Princess Bride
In that case, I challenge you to a battle of wits. For the princess? To the death? I accept. Good. Then pour the wine.
The Princess Bride
I was giving you a chance. It does not matter where you take me. There's no greater hunter than Prince Humperdinck. He can track a falcon on a cloudy day. He can find you. - You think your dearest love will save you? - I never said he was my dearest love. And yes, he will save me. That I know.