I know now I always will. If you tell me I must marry you in ten days, please believe I will be dead by morning.
The Princess Bride
If we surrender and I return with you, will you promise not to hurt this man? May I live a thousand years and never hunt again. He is a sailor on the pirate ship Revenge. Promise to return him to his ship.
The Princess Bride
Consider our wedding off. You, um, returned this Westley to his ship? - Yes. - Then we will simply alert him.
The Princess Bride
Well, one thing I will say. Fire Swamp certainly does keep you on your toes.
The Princess Bride
This will all soon be but a happy memory because Roberts' ship, Revenge, is anchored at the far end. And I, as you know, am Roberts. But how is that possible since he's been marauding 20 years and you only left me five years ago? I, myself, am often surprised at life's little quirks.
The Princess Bride
You're sick. I'll humor ya.
The Princess Bride
Except now that we're together, I shall retire and hand the name over to someone else. Is everything clear to you?
The Princess Bride
So we sailed ashore, took on an entirely new crew, and he stayed aboard for a while as first mate, all the time calling me Roberts. Once the crew believed, he left the ship and I have been Roberts ever since.
The Princess Bride
We'll never succeed. We may as well die here. No. No. We have already succeeded. I mean, what are the three terrors of the Fire Swamp? One, the flame spurt. No problem. There's a popping sound preceding each. We can avoid that. Two, the lightning sand. But you were clever enough to discover what that looks like. So in the future we can avoid that too. Westley, what about the ROUS's? Rodents of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist. Westley!
The Princess Bride
Oh, no. No, please. What is it? What's the matter? They're kissing again. Do we have to hear the kissing part? Someday you may not mind so much. Skip on to the Fire Swamp. - That sounded good. - Oh.
The Princess Bride
See, what I told you before about saying "please" was true.
The Princess Bride
But nobody withstands the Machine.
The Princess Bride
Now, was that so terrible?
The Princess Bride
I told you I would always come for you. Why didn't you wait for me? Well, you were dead. Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while. I will never doubt again. There will never be a need.
The Princess Bride
Ugly and rich and scabby? No. A farm boy. Poor. Poor and perfect, with eyes like the sea after a storm.
The Princess Bride
They disappeared. He must've seen us closing in, which might account for his panicking into error.
The Princess Bride
We'll never survive. Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has.