There are three kinds of balls. This one's called the Quaffle. The Chasers handle the Quaffle and try to put it through one of those hoops. The Keeper, that's me, defends the hoops. With me so far? I think so. What are those?
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared?
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
PERCY: Follow me, everyone. Keep up. Quickly, come on.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Bludger. Nasty little buggers. But you are a Seeker.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Ron was here? Is he all right? What about Hermione? Fine. They're both just fine.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Now you, Harry, who have never known your family... see them standing beside you.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Cook breakfast. And try not to burn anything.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
But why would anyone go near that dog?
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
That's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Tell me, what do you see?
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
- I've got Dumbledore! - I got about six of him.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
As for you two gentlemen... ...I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many first-year students could take on a troll... ...and live to tell the tale.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
And I'm holding the Quidditch Cup. And bloody hell! I'm Quidditch captain too!
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
...Gringotts goblins acknowledge the breach but insist nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had been emptied earlier that same day. " That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
HAGRID: Can't tell you. Hogwarts business. Very secret.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Trevor, go! You shouldn't be here! Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you? - Neville, listen. We were- - No, I won't let you!