They're only stairs. Go on, move yourself. Next time, I'll sit in the car. You do the chasing. Let me take a look.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Excuse me. Can you, uh, take a picture of me and the view?
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Don't-- What's that?
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
It's a guard dog.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Antalya, Turkey. Gobble, gobble. That's "flying fowl" with a W, not a U. Hence "flying fowl," flying to Turkey. Bit of a reach. You'd think so, except Qasim Amari is a diplomat located in the, uh, Turkish government's office in Antalya, Turkey. I don't know how I do it. What a brain. Do I have a brain in there? Oh, she does. Modern women. What will they think of next? - So, looks like we're all flying fowl. - Amazing. We'll track Qasim, see where he leads us. Sarah, you go with Danny as planned and find out from Greg exactly what it is he's buying. We need a confirmation on that. Explains why Greggy's spending his weekend in Turkey.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
He sent a text. I blocked it.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
I will shoot you.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Before you get inside of him.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Can't get through. No signal.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
And I am in. Great.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
There's no one here. I'm telling ya, he's right there. You're on top of his phone now.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
I've got him. I've locked on.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Go on. They don't know what he looks like. He guarded his visual identity very closely.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
I'll do the deal myself. But you'll have to talk to Greg on the phone.