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Office Christmas Party
Man, you used to get excited by big ideas.
Office Christmas Party
No, there's a lot of bad energy in this office.
Office Christmas Party
When I say freeze, y'aII freeze one time Freeze!
Office Christmas Party
Already done. Here.
Office Christmas Party
Hey... You bring it on yourself, Nate.
Office Christmas Party
If y'aII want to party Iike we do If y'aII want to party Iike us Let me hear you say...
Office Christmas Party
-Hey, are you okay? -Yeah. Really? Because you seem a little off today. You seem a little weird. -Well... -Oh, my gosh! Today is the day, right? Hey!
Office Christmas Party
Yeah. And while she's asleep, why don't you take that doll, too. Great. Bye. may I have your attention, pIease.
Office Christmas Party
You know what? l'm gonna sit. Not because you told me to, but because l prefer it.
Office Christmas Party
Fine! Then this meeting is canceled!
Office Christmas Party
God damn! Get on up here, Mary! Give me the mike. No, no, no. Give me the mike. Give it up for Mary! Mary, everybody, yeah!
Office Christmas Party
She's what makes this company great, just like every motherfucker in here!
Office Christmas Party
-What? -What?
Office Christmas Party
Due to inclement weather, aII flights have been canceIed.
Office Christmas Party
And you throw a great fucking party.
Office Christmas Party
Office Christmas Party
Clay! l mean it. Me, too, Carol. Guys, the holiday mixer is canceled. -Yes. -lt won't be.
Office Christmas Party