What do you want with me after all this time? I've been calling and writing. I came because I need you. I care for you. -Please stop it, Michael. -Because... I want you to marry me.
The Godfather
My name is Michael Corleone.
The Godfather
You know I'm responsible to your father for your life. The bodyguards are here.
The Godfather
Not a Sicilian. I think he's going to be consigliere. -What's that? -That's a, like a counselor, an advisor. Very important for the family.
The Godfather
Michael Rizzi, go in peace, and may the Lord be with you. Amen.
The Godfather
-Who is this? -A friend of Carlo. Tell him that I can't make it tonight until later.
The Godfather
Why don't you tell that nice girl you love her? I love you with all my heart. If I don't see you again soon, I'm going to die!
The Godfather
Stand there.
The Godfather
Michael. No, I wouldn't like you better if you were Ingrid Bergman. What's the matter?
The Godfather
Where are you going now?
The Godfather
Come on, Nancy.
The Godfather
So they beat her like an animal.
The Godfather
They'll search me when I meet them, right? So I can't have a weapon on me.
The Godfather
Paulie, go down 39th Street, pick up 18 mattresses and bring me the bill. Yeah, all right. Make sure they're clean, because the guys will be there a long time. -They're clean and exterminated. -That's a bad word to use. Exterminate! Watch out, so we don't exterminate you!