You're beautiful, beautiful. You're gorgeous. The Turk wants to talk! Imagine the nerve of the son-of-a-bitch. -He wants a meeting today. -What did he say? What did he say... He wants us to send Michael to hear the proposition. He promises that the deal is too good to refuse. -And Bruno Tattaglia? -That's part of the deal. -He cancels out what they did to Father. -We should listen to them. No more! Not this time, Consigliere. No more meetings, discussions, or Sollozzo tricks. I want Sollozzo, or we go to war... -The other families... -They hand me Sollozzo! This is business, not personal! -They shot my father... -Even that was business, not personal.
The Godfather
Wait there! I'll drive to you.
The Godfather
Keep together, everyone. Brian.
The Godfather
They've got an old-fashioned toilet. You know, the box and the chain thing.
The Godfather
-Hey, Mike... -I'm here on business. Get rid of them. I'm tired. Get rid of the band too.
The Godfather
-What's with all the new faces? -We'll need them now. After the hospital thing, Sonny got mad. We hit Bruno Tattaglia this morning.
The Godfather
Michael Francis Rizzi, do you renounce Satan?
The Godfather
It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business.
The Godfather
I want you to move to a villa near Siracusa...right now.
The Godfather
What happened to Moe Greene? He had some business. He said to give him a call when the party started. Well, give him a call.
The Godfather
I'll take care of it. Tom... I want you to find Santino. Tell him to come to the office.
The Godfather
Fabrizio, you translate.
The Godfather
I'm sorry, but you will have to leave.
The Godfather
Bad news from America.
The Godfather
There's more news about your old man. Word is out that he's already dead.
The Godfather
And what favor would your friend grant Mr. Woltz? He could make your future union problems disappear. And one of your stars has just moved from marijuana to heroin. Are you trying to muscle me? Listen, you son-of-a-bitch! Let me lay it on the line. Johnny Fontane will never get that movie! No matter how many Dago Guinea greaseballs come out of the woodwork! -I'm German-Irish. -Listen here, my Kraut-Mick friend. -I'm going to make trouble for you! -I'm a lawyer. I haven't threatened... I know New York's big lawyers. Who are you? I have a special practice. I handle one client. I'll wait for your call.
The Godfather
Carmine Cuneo from the Bronx, and from Brooklyn Philip Tattaglia.
The Godfather
I'm just going to get a doctor to take a look at you. Sonny, please don't do anything.