How long do you think it will be before I can come back?
The Godfather
Son-of-a-bitch. -Son-of-a-bitch! -What's the matter?
The Godfather
Buy me out? The casino, the hotel. The Corleone family wants to buy you out. The Corleone family wants to buy me out? No, I buy you out. Your casino loses money. We can do better. -You think I'm skimming off the top? -You're unlucky.
The Godfather
Stand there.
The Godfather
And if an honest man like you should make enemies, they'd be my enemies.
The Godfather
Be my friend?
The Godfather
Moe will sell us his share of the casino and the hotel, so we'll own all of it. -Tom! -Are you sure? Moe loves the business. He never said nothing about selling. I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.
The Godfather
-Thank you, Papa. -I'm happy for you, Carlo. Mike... Why am I out?
The Godfather
Sandra, watch the kids. Don't let them run wild. You watch yourself, all right?
The Godfather
We can't wait. We can't wait.
The Godfather
That man over there is talking to himself. See that scary guy over there? -He's a very scary guy. -What's his name? His name is Luca Brasi. He helps my father out sometimes.
The Godfather
He knows how grateful you are. That's why he'd like to ask a favor of you. Mike, what can I do?
The Godfather
But you have to keep an open mind when we talk. I hope you're not a hothead like Sonny. You can't talk business with him.
The Godfather
Carlo, you grew up in Nevada. When we make our move there, you'll be my right-hand man. Tom Hagen is no longer consigliere. He'll be our lawyer in Vegas. That's no reflection on Tom, just how I want it. If I ever need help, who's a better consigliere than my father? That's it.
The Godfather
At least a year. I'll square it with Mom, that you're not seeing her before you leave and...
The Godfather
-Sonny, it's Michael. -Where have you been? -Is he all right? -We don't know yet. There are all kinds of stories. He was hit bad, Mikey.
The Godfather
Barzini will move against you first. He'll set up a meeting with someone you absolutely trust. Guaranteeing your safety.