Found 706 results
Kay! Kiss your godfather.
The Godfather
Go back to New Hampshire, and I'll call you at your parents' house.
The Godfather
When will I see you again?
The Godfather
What's the matter?
The Godfather
All right, we'll wait.
The Godfather
Kay, I need you.
The Godfather
I'll handle it. I told you I can handle it, so I'll handle it.
The Godfather
Bonasera, Bonasera. What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully?
The Godfather
We lost enough money last week.
The Godfather
It's his daughter.
The Godfather
He's clean.
The Godfather
Merry Christmas. I want some fruit.
The Godfather
-Don't forget the cannoli! -Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The Godfather
Don Corleone.
The Godfather
No. -What if I were Ingrid Bergman? -Now, that's a thought.
The Godfather
Get rid of these. Come here.
The Godfather