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Consigliere of mine, tell your Don what everyone seems to know. I didn't tell Mama anything.
The Godfather
One minute.
The Godfather
Don Corleone. I'm honored and grateful that you have invited me to your daughter's wedding.
The Godfather
The girls around here are beautiful...but virtuous.
The Godfather
You want Enzo to stay in this country, and your daughter to be married.
The Godfather
That I cannot do.
The Godfather
Johnny, Johnny! Sing a song!
The Godfather
No, you're out of the family business. That's your punishment.
The Godfather
Buon natale, Caro. Gràzie.
The Godfather
What's the matter with you? Your brain is going soft from playing with that girl. Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again.
The Godfather
Things are negotiated that'll solve your problems and answer your questions. That's all I can tell you now.
The Godfather
What's her name?
The Godfather
-You spend time with your family? -Sure I do. Good. Because a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.
The Godfather
-That's for you to find out. -Get rid of them, Fredo.
The Godfather
But if Clemenza can figure out a way to have a weapon planted there for me then I'll kill them both.
The Godfather
Well, now he's dead, Tom, and nothing can bring him back.
The Godfather