The check is signed by that young man's parents whom I think we should recognize. Mike, Pat, Kay, stand up, please. Let the folks see you! Folks, I want you to join me in giving a real Nevada thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corleone!
The Godfather Part II
And also to thank that boy's family for a magnificent contribution to the State. I have here in my hand a check made out to the university and it is a magnificent endowment in the name of Anthony Vito Corleone.
The Godfather Part II
We also have, as a special added attraction, the Sierra Boys Choir who have chosen a certain special song and a special arrangement to honor their host, Mr. Michael Corleone. Boys.
The Godfather Part II
We see Nevada far too seldom. But today we can join with old friends, we can make new friends and we help celebrate a young man's first Communion.
The Godfather Part II
A most distinguished guest would like to say a few words. Please welcome Senator Pat Geary of the State of Nevada. And there is Mrs. Geary.
The Godfather Part II
Tom won't stay. He only handles specific areas of the business.
The Godfather Part II
The plaque. Okay, fellows, did you get that one?
The Godfather Part II
Vito, how do you like my little angel? Isn't she beautiful?
The Godfather Part II
To you, she's beautiful. For me, there's only my wife and son.
The Godfather Part II
Wait till you see her. Words can't describe her.
The Godfather Part II
Now here I am in America, in New York.
The Godfather Part II
Our dear mother - dead!
The Godfather Part II
Finally, a letter from Naples!
The Godfather Part II
Without news from home.
The Godfather Part II
She's very beautiful.
The Godfather Part II
For a no-good tramp!
The Godfather Part II
My father taught me many things here. He taught me in this room. He taught me, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. " If Hyman Roth sees that I interceded in this, in the Rosato brothers' favor, he'll think his relationship with me is still good.