Found 1573 results
Don Corleone.
The Godfather
It's out of the question.
The Godfather
And if an honest man like you should make enemies, they'd be my enemies.
The Godfather
And then they would fear you.
The Godfather
It's still dangerous...
The Godfather
I want to walk.
The Godfather
How much shall I pay you?
The Godfather
But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather.
The Godfather
Where are you going now?
The Godfather
I kiss your hand, Don Tommasino.
The Godfather
They don't say if he's dead or alive.
The Godfather
Merry Christmas. I want some fruit.
The Godfather
You come on my daughter's wedding day and ask me to murder for money. I ask you for justice. That is not justice. Your daughter is alive.
The Godfather
To Corleone.
The Godfather
I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.
The Godfather
Why do you come to me? Why do I deserve this generosity? If you consider a million dollars in cash just finance, te salud Don Corleone.
The Godfather
Anthony! Come here, come here.
The Godfather